
I must be a mermaid

If there is one thing I always value highly about the sea, it's the massive expanse it offers before me and in some kind of way that makes me feel free. After weeks of academic squeeze and pressure, a break from these reality-related worries had never been this enticing and ideal that I was willing to trade a dozen cups of coffee for one de-stressing day. Like the sea, I am in no point of being restrained now.

So I did break free. 

Without, of course, the coffee trade off. Thanks to my Tito for bringing me and my cousin to Ternate (and closer to my straying sanity) today. The place was such an spectacular treat, I enjoyed the whole experience without much fuss.

The warm touch of the water reminded me of my longings - healthy relationship with the god, stable sensitive connection to who I really want to be, actions anchored to my priorities, and pleasure with the littlest things I have. I wondered why these things have been out of my sight for a while, and if these are the things that I thought matter and have been lost, where has been my attention all along. Is the sea saying I am lost?

The sea answered with calm waves. I smiled at how I was feeling at peace despite my own confusion. I believed the sea is tranquil because it accepts the waves as part of its own, so thus how I should learn to forgive myself from not knowing the answers all the time, that my own waves are part of what makes me a sea with an interesting depth too. I should let things flow.

I love the calming brutality of the sea, the power I felt with each breeze of damp summer air. I hoped this power will linger longer so I could bring it to the city where I need most of this reminding.

Ps. Apologies for photos of me taking advantage with the scene as I show what I am known for, my remarkable vanity.